Thursday, July 26, 2012

Grasping the Obvious

     Why is it so difficult to understand one another?  Or to give each other the benefit of the doubt?  Why do we feel offended, ashamed, angry, scared, or alone?  Pride is a reason.  Sometimes I pray and feel deserted.  How full my heart would be if my pride never got in the way.  How much more would I get a glimpse of God!  It’s a blindfold to the soul, hiding me from the love I long for the most.

     Those times that I’ve longed for Him to be present and to show me something and I felt like I walked away empty-handed, it wasn’t His fault.  It was my corrupted mind shielding His offering from my unseeing eyes.   My hands are always full, so if I feel empty, it is simply ingratitude for what I have and don’t deserve.  Every day that I live He provides more than enough.  His grace is sufficient for me.
     He’s constantly explaining myself and others to me.  He’s always by my side trying as hard as He can to guide my steps, to whisper in my ear, to offer His hand, to soften my heart.  I simply need to step out of His way and let Him do His work.  I need to know that I have what I need for today.  For this day, I am fed.