Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Rock and My Deliverer

The whole Israelite community set out from the Desert of Sin,traveling from place to place as the Lord commanded. They camped at Rephidim, but there was no water for the people to drink.  So they quarreled with Moses and said, “Give us water to drink.”
                                                                                                    Exodus 17:1-2

           For the past two years, I have ventured into a world that I never would have gone had it not been for life.  A personal situation in one of my relationships eventually led me to a FB group community of unbelievers and believers hashing it out on a daily basis.  They discussed deeper philosophical topics like moral objectivity and where morals come from in the first place.  There were also plenty of societal debates on abortion, slavery, racism, corruption in politics and religion, public schools, etc.  Never a dull moment.
          Because it was so interesting, it could also be consuming in both time and thought.  As a Christian, I found myself wanting to change hearts and minds.  I studied my Bible like I never have before, looking for answers to their tough questions and sometimes mine.  I found myself beginning to care about their souls.  This was not my original intention, by any means, I actually went there to get some answers to some of my questions.  Atheists who actually wanted to talk about God all day fascinated me, and I wanted to know why they did it.  There were a variety of reasons, some felt that religion ruins society, some were angry, some just thought it was fun to argue I think, and there are surely some who are still searching.
          One of the most popular arguments on the FB group from atheists was about God’s love.  They were always trying to vilify his character.  If God is so loving, why did he love slavery?  If God is so loving, why do babies die?  If God is so loving, why?  I was reading Exodus 17 this morning and thinking about these questions they always asked.  I could imagine them asking, “If God loved the Israelites so much, why didn’t he have water and a buffet waiting for them?”  The Israelites were thinking it; it was not an ignorant question.
          The whole time they grumbled and complained, God had their water stored in a rock.  Somewhere they never would have thought their help would come from, but he knew.  They did not need to wonder if God was there.  Sometimes I would wonder why I was sticking around the group, things could get unnecessarily ugly, but answers to some prayers are happening.  I cannot help but think of the water in the rock when I think about going among the wolves for a season and coming out stronger.  God is showing me that when you speak his words to people, it has an impact somewhere, with someone, and he is in control.  I will not be sorry or want the time back, I will see the blessings and be grateful and move on to the next place he leads me.

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